Auf Englisch
Rhine Gold is an initiative of creative artists of all professions
The artists would like to bring beauty into our world. For this reason, they created Rhine Gold, so that Rhine Gold can be in every wallet, bringing joy to all Rhine Golders.
Rhine Gold is a medium with which things can be bought and sold
Buying things because it’s fun to spend Rhine Gold. Selling things because you like to trade your wares for Rhine Gold. Rhine Gold is not only beautiful, but also valuable.
Rhine Gold is also feel good gold
Rhine Gold is a medium of trust. We Rhine Golders put masses of trust out into the world, knowing that we are making it beautiful.
Rhine Gold is an ultimate communication bearer
Rhine Gold is also a flyer that can be read and looked at.No one throws this flyer away, for Rhine Gold is just too valuable. Instead, Rhine Gold is industrious, always looking for new readers. Rhine Gold wants to be read and looked at.
Rhine Gold is the famous and secretive prima materia
That which numerous alchemists of the past never achieved is something that artists have now achieved. The prima materia is here.That enigmatic stuff that can turn itself into anything – even gold. Rhine Gold turns itself into yummy ice cream, then a freshly baked roll, then it’s a ripe apple ready for a bite, then it wants to relax you with a beer, and – whoops – it’s already turned into a flower bouquet for the Rhine Golder in love. Rhine Gold can simply turn itself into everything, always staying with us. Rhine Gold cannot be used up, it only changes owners. Rhine Gold is immortal.
Rhine Gold is exclusive
Only Rhine Golders can use Rheingold. It’s not meant to be mean, it’s just the way it is.
Rhine Gold is good-mood gold
It is simply pleasant to be alive with enough Rhine Gold.
Rhine Gold is without risk
Rhine Golders know that Rhine Gold doesn’t cost you one single old euro. Quite the opposite.Rhine Gold spreads affection and voluntary nature. Rhine Gold fulfills a future, which we love to look forward to.
Rhine Gold can do so much more
Rhine Golden, you wake up in the morning and are in love.You know that the energy of Rhine Gold is asleep within you. Some people Rhine Gold their day, others make a Rhine Gold resolution, still others put enough flirt Rhine Gold in their pockets because they have a date. Everything is possible with Rhine Gold. Rhine Gold makes you clever, and rolls and rolls and rolls.